A seven-year, international study finds that some alternative therapies such as acupuncture, neck manipulation and massage are better choices for managing most common neck pain than many current practices.
Therapies such as neck collars and ultrasound are not recommended. The study found that corticosteroid injections and surgery should only be considered if there is associated pain, weakness or numbness in the arm, fracture or serious disease. Acupuncture is an ideal treatment because it is non-invasive and natural therapy without side-effects.
Neck pain can be associated with headaches, arm and upper back pain and depression. Whether it arises from sports injuries, car collisions, workplace issues or stress, it can be incapacitating. It is disabling for approximately two out of every 20 people who experience neck pain and affects their ability to carry on with daily activities.
Tips for neck pain suffers:
* Stay as active as you can, exercise and reduce mental stress.
* Don't expect to find a single "cause" for your neck pain.
* Once you have experienced neck pain, it may come back or remain persistent.
* There is relatively little research on what does or does not prevent neck pain; ergonomics, cervical pillows, postural improvements etc. may or may not help.
If you are suffering from neck pain be sure to GET HELP NOW. Waiting for the problem to get better on its own is the best way to have it develop into a long term CHRONIC problem. The longer the problem persists usually has a direct correlation on how long it will take to effectively treat and how difficult it will be to get positive results.
For more information regarding this article please visit http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-02/aca-snp021508.php
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