Mississauga Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

BBT Charting Resource

When undergoing fertility treatment, women often chart their Basal Body Temperature (BBT) as a way to evaluate their monthly cycle and determine when ovulation is occurring. If a woman who wishes to become pregnant is consistently charting her BBT then she will know when she is ovulating and can have intercourse at the most fertile time in the cycle. BBT charting can also show the possibility conception if the temperature stays up at the end of the luteal phase and the period does not arrive at the expected "day 1".

BBT charts can also provide the fertility health practitioner with a wealth of information regarding the menstrual cycle and the overall health of the fertility patient.

Charting can be a little confusing, but there is an excellent online resource (that is FREE) that I recommend to all my clients who are dealing with fertility issues or simply have questions about BBT charting. The website is www.fertilityfriend.com and has detailed information about BBT charting including simple step by step instructions and online charts the user can plug their data into. Simply set up a free profile (it is secure and private) and begin with the tutorial or start charting. Users of the system can also grant access of their profiles to others. The patient does not even have to bring her charts with her to appointments, as the practitioner I can log into the site and retrieve the info when necessary.

Overall, an excellent online resource: www.fertilityfriend.com.

Chris Di Tecco Dipl. Ac, Dipl. CHM
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine

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